Livin' the Flippin' Dream

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Valentine...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Reuben "insert middle name here" Kramer

About a month ago I was talking to Kaela and the issue of me NOT having a middle name came up in the conversation. This is a conversation I have ALL the time with people because it is pretty uncommon for someone not to have a middle name.

Fed up, I told Kaela that she should think of a middle name for me so that I would have to worry anymore. Well, Kaela didn't really think of one for me, so I am now calling out to YOU. I would like to know what you think my middle name should be and what you think would sound the best.

And yes, there is a prize for your suggestion being picked. I will officially change my name to what you picked and I will be known by that FOR-E-VER (well, not really). Impress me!

I am INCOMPLETE without a middle name

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Debatable Issue...

Well, I figure it is about time I post something that is actually worth commenting on and I have the perfect subject for you. I want to know your opinion on a situation that everyone runs into sometime in their life (usaully more than once a year). Here is some background for you:

Today Corn and I received very nice and thoughtful Christmas cards from our good friend Laura Stenlund. My friends always bug me because I keep all of the cards that I recieve from people. I know it is a bit crazy for me to store them away, and that is not the issue. The issue is: "what do you do with the card after someone gives it to you?" This is what Corn and I did:

Reuben - put the card on my bookshelf to display until after Christmas because the thoughtfulness of Luara putting the time into buying and writing a card for me.

Corn - opened the crad, read it, and then preceded to rip it inot three peices and throw it into the garbage. If that is not an insult, I do not know what is.

I want to know, what do you do with a card after it is given to you?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tube Socks Re-release

Just for all you TUBE SOCKS fans, the feature film is now available on youtube. Just search "Tube Socks".

So... in the words of Kim Quigley: "We are gonna be famous!"

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

For my sister...

I just wanted to take a quick second to congratulate my sister Alicia and her boyfriend Tyler on their recent engagement (monday). I love you guys!